Soccer (Major League Soccer) season is upon us and soon the weather will be perfect for it! In very little time, everyone will be speaking, watching, and betting on the MLS throughout the summer months. This is a very exciting time for millions of people across the globe. However, this also means that there is a far greater demand for fans to watch these games in person. That being said, the stadiums and surrounding areas will be packed with people trying to find parking like yourself! As many of you have experienced, prices for parking near and or around the stadium tend to be very expensive during these games. It is not uncommon to spend upwards of $40 just to be near the stadium. In addition to the extremely high cost of parking, you will have to deal with the immense amount of individuals in the area. This can be very stressful, especially when trying to find parking while driving safely. Not to mention, street parking is nearly impossible to find especially within close proximity to the stadium.
Lastly, parking garages and lots around the stadium can take upwards of 45 minutes to an hour just to exit! This is because the game ends at the same time for everyone which leads to around 30,000 people all trying to leave at the same exact time. The result is pure chaos for roughly 45 minutes until all of the traffic clears. Thankfully, there is a way to avoid this nightmare while also enjoying every second of your next MLS experience. This is where spotKEEP steps in to save the day.
How spotKEEP Saves the Day!
SpotKEEP is very useful in a variety of different situations. In fact, the very idea of spotKEEP was created due to this exact problem you are experiencing (or trying to avoid). You can use our mobile application in order to reserve a parking space days in advance. For instance, let’s say that you want to attend your next local MLS match this upcoming weekend. However, you know that finding parking will be an absolute nightmare. This can be solved by creating an account on spotKEEP, inputting the day, the time, and location of your desired parking space and simply clicking “search.” In a matter of seconds, a list of all available parking spots (driveways, apartment parking spaces, and private parking lots) will be available to choose from. All you have to do is select the spot that fits your needs the best and click “book now!” Your spot is now reserved, simple as that! There are a multitude of benefits to using spotKEEP on gamedays when compared to traditional parking methods.
For one, you will have access to lower rates if you book multiple days in advance. This is because renters (hosts) have not changed the price of their spot multiple days in advance. Next, you will not lose a great deal of time when exiting your parking space (no longer stuck in a parking garage after the match) because the parking spaces are privately owned. Also, more time will be saved because you no longer have to leave early to ensure that there is enough time to find parking. Next, there is no need to worry about your vehicle being damaged. This is not the case for parking garages with very compact spaces that often lead to many “door dings.” With all of this in mind, why haven’t you reserved your next parking space with spotKEEP? We want to make your life easier while enjoying all of the events you love to see! We hope that you utilize spotKEEP for your next MLS match and we wish you (and your team of choice) the best!